Something to hold on to

a lovers poem
your dad’s leather jacket
the note in the back of your bible
your sister's favorite mug
the postcard your mom sent two years ago
a colleague's Christmas card
the bouquet from your wedding day
a glimpse of how things were.

I think we all want life to slow down.

And I think we want to remember the coffee we shared, the books we’ve read, and the champagne we’ve toasted. The friends who held us together and the failures that made us. We all want something to hold on to.

That’s what I want to share with you. A photo of your friends celebrating your birthday, your mother zipping up your wedding dress, or simply the person you are now and how different that is from who you were. An honest and tangible glimpse of your life to cherish and to hold when you want to revisit those past times.

When I call my mom these are the people I tell her about

Hi there.

I’m Johana and I want to take your photo. But you already knew that. Mainly I want you to feel special and cherished and seen, because you are all those things. And maybe we can just hang out and talk about your favorite book or podcast, or you can email me your mom's favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Either way, you have to email me because if I’m going to be there for your special moment, I need a way to reach you.



all the moments, all the time.